Recruitment Process
GVSU Careers
External Candidates
Visit and apply through GVSU Careers. GVSU students looking for regular employment must apply as an external candidate.
Internal Candidates
Search and apply for jobs in their Workday account via the "Career Hub". Student employees are not considered internal candidates for faculty or staff roles at the university.
Job Requisitions
All positions must have a job requisition to be able to make a hire, even if the position is not being posted.
Confidentiality Reminder
Every aspect of the recruitment process must remain confidential within the search committee.
To Make a Hire, Start Here
What type of job are you hiring for?
Before beginning the recruitment process, determine if you need to undergo to position management or job management process. This is dependent on the type of hire. Learn more about the differences between position and job management.
Position Management (PM) |
• Tenure Track Faculty |
Job Management (JM) |
• Visiting Faculty |
Navigate to...
Hiring For a Position (Position Management)
Position Preparation
Spend time thoughtfully putting together the information you need to start the search, prior to beginning the recruitment process. At this step, you need to:
- Finalize the job description.
- Establish a timeline.
- The search chair can work with their HR Business Partner to determine the best close date for the position.
- Form a search committee of 3-5 members.
- Identify an Inclusion Advocate.
If you are hiring for a Professional Support Staff (PSS) position, please follow the PSS Recruitment Process Flowchart.
Job Description
Search Process Options
- Administrative Professional (AP) & Faculty Search Process Options
- Professional Support Staff (PSS) Search Process Options
- Search Waiver Guidelines
Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity
- If this is a new position: Create
Position (Help Article)
- For additional instruction, watch the Create Position demo video
- IMPORTANT: When creating a new position, you must use today's date as the availability date in order to create the job requisition and post/hire for this position prior to the actual start date of the position. If this is future-dated in Workday, it could prevent you from creating a job requisition and will lock the position until the availability date.
- If this a replacement position with changes: Edit
Position Restrictions (Workday - Job aid)
- IMPORTANT: The Administrative Assistant will only use Edit Position Restrictions when they need to make an edit to the position restriction when it is vacant.
- If this a replacement position without changes: Create a Job Requisition (Help Article)
All positions must have a job requisition to be able to make a hire, even if the position is not being posted.
- Create a Job Requisition - Position Management (Help Article)
- Create a Job Requisition for Position Management Demo (Workday - Demo video)
If this a replacement position without changes and you have already created the job requisition, move on to the next step.
The search chair or their assistant is responsible for monitoring the progress of approval through Workday.
Once your position has been approved, please allow up to 48 hours for Human Resources to post to our hiring website.
Post advertisements externally and outreach to potential candidates.
Applicant Management
Applicants submit applications. Human Resources receives applicants via Workday.
Human Resources and Affirmative Action will review applicants before the search committee review. This saves time for the search committee, eliminates applicants that do not meet required qualifications (e.g., degree or years of work experience), and ensures we are meeting Affirmative Action goals.
Notice: During the HR and committee review stages, applicants will receive an email notifying them if they are not moving forward to the interview process.
Key actions for this step include determining the appropriate review option, conducting a committee review, determining candidates to interview and lastly, moving candidates to interview status.
The search chair will determine the appropriate applicant review option and move forward based on the applicant pool size:
- 20 or more candidates: HR can help narrow the candidate pool. This option is recommended by HR, but not mandatory. If you choose, a team including Human Resources, the Search Chair, and Inclusion Advocate will evaluate the original pool of candidates and narrow it down to 10 candidates to move forward in the process.
- 6-19 candidates: No need to meet with HR. We recommend that you meet with your search committee to determine 3-5 interview candidates, depending on the size of your pool.
- 5 or less candidates: No need to meet with HR. You may interview all candidates or you can meet to determine candidates to be selected for interviews. We recommend interviewing 3-5 candidates, depending on the size of your pool.
HR Business Partner's are available to work with the search chair to identify the best interview format. In preparation, review the interview checklist, your interview questions, and distribute the questions to the interview panel.
Notice: If you are adding the candidate’s name to the interview meeting request in Outlook, please make sure this is a private meeting. There may be internal employees and/or candidates who can view your calendar and it may not be appropriate for everyone to see the candidate’s names.
- Interview: Enter Dates and Feedback (Help Article)
- Standard Interview Questions
- Interview Checklist & Best Practices
- Interview Guidelines
- Interview Structure
- Interviewing Applicants with Disabilities
- Offering an Interview: Quick Tips
- Candidate Campus Visit Checklist
- AP Recruiting Rubric
- Faculty Recruiting Rubric
- Hourly Recruiting Rubric
Collect feedback from the interview panel, complete reference checks and make your final selection. Please note that advancing a candidate to the reference check stage isn't limited to just the finalist. You have the option to request reference checks for multiple candidates before making a final decision. Follow the process in Workday to initiate and submit reference checks for selected candidate(s).
- Initiate and Submit Reference Checks (Workday - Job aid)
- Reference Check Best Practices
- Reference Check Conversation Workbook (Fillable PDF)
Once a final candidate is selected, follow the Workday process to move candidate to offer.
- Move Candidate to Offer (Help Article)
Offer Stage
Follow the Workday process to complete the offer approval. Once the offer has been approved, the Dean or Appointing Officer will receive an email notice to let them know they can move forward with the verbal offer.
- Offer Approval (Help Article)
The Dean or Appointing Officer can call or delegate the supervisor to call to make the verbal offer to the candidate. Please refer to the Verbal Offer Best Practices guide. Human Resources will make the verbal offer for hourly positions.
Follow the Workday process to create an appointment letter. Appointment letters are required for all roles included in the position management process.
Candidate Address Notice: The candidate's address is not mandatory on the job application and may be missing from the appointment letter template. This is okay and has been approved by Legal Counsel.
- If the applicant does not provide their home address, it will not merge over to the appointment letter. The person responsible for creating the letter does not need to input the candidate’s address but will continue to make the appropriate edits.
- Once the new hire is hired and begins onboarding, onboarding will request the new hire to enter/update their personal information.
- This will not affect background checks since Sterling sends their own email to collect PII and authorization from the candidate
Salary/Pay Notice: You must ensure the salary/pay amount is correct on the letter (i.e., salary or pay includes cents, include the cents and do not round up or down).
- Generate/Prepare Appointment Letter or Employee Contract (Help Article)
Upon verbal acceptance, the appointment letter is written and sent to the candidate in Workday. Once the candidate accepts their letter, it will ask them for their date of birth and social security number for hire. The HR Business Partner initiates the background check required for the position. Once the background check is completed, the candidate will be hired and GVSU network credentials will be created.
Hiring For a Job (Job Management)
Position Preparation
All positions must have a job requisition to be able to make a hire, even if the position is not being posted.
- Create a Job Requisition - Job Management (Help Article)
- Create a Job Requisition for Job Management Demo (Workday - Demo video)
The search chair or their assistant is responsible for monitoring the progress of approval through Workday.
Once your position has been approved, please allow up to 48 hours for Human Resources to post to our hiring website.
Post advertisements externally and outreach to potential candidates if applicable.
Applicant Management
Applicants submit applications. Human Resources receives applicants via Workday.
Human Resources and Affirmative Action will review applicants before the search committee review. This saves time for the search committee, eliminates applicants that do not meet required qualifications (e.g., degree or years of work experience), and ensures we are meeting Affirmative Action goals.
Notice: During the HR and committee review stages, applicants will receive an email notifying them if they are not moving forward to the interview process.
Key actions for this step include determining the appropriate review option, conducting a committee review, determining candidates to interview and lastly, moving candidates to interview status.
The search chair will determine the appropriate applicant review option and move forward based on the applicant pool size:
- 20 or more candidates: HR can help narrow the candidate pool. This option is recommended by HR, but not mandatory. If you choose, a team including Human Resources, the Search Chair, and Inclusion Advocate will evaluate the original pool of candidates and narrow it down to 10 candidates to move forward in the process.
- 6-19 candidates: No need to meet with HR. We recommend that you meet with your search committee to determine 3-5 interview candidates, depending on the size of your pool.
- 5 or less candidates: No need to meet with HR. You may interview all candidates or you can meet to determine candidates to be selected for interviews. We recommend interviewing 3-5 candidates, depending on the size of your pool.
HR Business Partner's are available to work with the search chair to identify the best interview format. In preparation, review the interview checklist, your interview questions, and distribute the questions to the interview panel.
Notice: If you are adding the candidate’s name to the interview meeting request in Outlook, please make sure this is a private meeting. There may be internal employees and/or candidates who can view your calendar and it may not be appropriate for everyone to see the candidate’s names.
- Interview: Enter Dates and Feedback (Help Article)
- Standard Interview Questions
- Interview Checklist & Best Practices
- Interview Guidelines
- Interview Structure
- Interviewing Applicants with Disabilities
- Offering an Interview: Quick Tips
- Candidate Campus Visit Checklist
- AP Recruiting Rubric
- Faculty Recruiting Rubric
- Hourly Recruiting Rubric
Collect feedback from the interview panel, complete reference checks and make your final selection. Please note that advancing a candidate to the reference check stage isn't limited to just the finalist. You have the option to request reference checks for multiple candidates before making a final decision. Follow the process in Workday to initiate and submit reference checks for selected candidate(s).
- Initiate and Submit Reference Checks (Workday - Job aid)
- Reference Check Best Practices
- Reference Check Conversation Workbook (Fillable PDF)
Once a final candidate is selected, follow the Workday process to move candidate to offer.
- Move Candidate to Offer (Help Article)
Offer Stage
Follow the Workday process to complete the offer approval. Once the offer has been approved, the Dean or Appointing Officer will receive an email notice to let them know they can move forward with the verbal offer.
- Offer Approval (Help Article)
The Dean or Appointing Officer can call or delegate the supervisor to call to make the verbal offer to the candidate. Please refer to the Verbal Offer Best Practices guide. Human Resources will make the verbal offer for hourly positions.
Follow the Workday process to create an appointment letter. Appointment letters are required for all roles. However, Human Resources will process the period activity pay for Adjunct PAP and Adjunct Faculty based on their contract.
Candidate Address Notice: The candidate's address is not mandatory on the job application and may be missing from the appointment letter template. This is okay and has been approved by Legal Counsel.
- If the applicant does not provide their home address, it will not merge over to the appointment letter. The person responsible for creating the letter does not need to input the candidate’s address but will continue to make the appropriate edits.
- Once the new hire is hired and begins onboarding, onboarding will request the new hire to enter/update their personal information.
- This will not affect background checks since Sterling sends their own email to collect PII and authorization from the candidate
Salary/Pay Notice: You must ensure the salary/pay amount is correct on the letter (i.e., salary or pay includes cents, include the cents and do not round up or down).
- Generate/Prepare Appointment Letter or Employee Contract (Help Article)
- Period Activity Pay (Help Article)
- Period Activity Pay Demo (Workday - Demo video)
- Instructions for New Hires (Adjunct Faculty)
Upon verbal acceptance, the appointment letter is written and sent to the candidate in Workday. Once the candidate accepts their letter, it will ask them for their date of birth and social security number for hire. The HR Business Partner initiates the background check required for the position. Once the background check is completed, the candidate will be hired and GVSU network credentials will be created.
Looking for student jobs?
These hiring resources are for faculty and staff jobs only. All student jobs are managed by the Student Employment Office at 100 Student Services Building. For more on student jobs, visit