Jaime Guzior

Senior HR Generalist
Office Address: 1090 James H. Zumberge Hall (1090 JHZ)
Phone: (616) 331-2215
Email: guziorja@gvsu.edu
CliftonStrengths®: Responsibility | Significance | Achiever | Competition | Focus
Jaime Guzior, Senior HR Generalist, is the HR liaison for several departments within the Division of Academic Affairs, Enrollment Development & Educational Outreach, Finance & Administration and official GVSU Retirees. Her primary duty is to serve as the central contact for employees and university leadership in the division. She is also responsible for communication and implementation of HR initiatives and is an expert of principles and practices of Human Resources at GVSU.
Jaime holds a bachelor’s degree from GVSU in Advertising & Public Relations with a minor in Management, and a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) from Northwood University. Jaime also holds a SHRM-CP (Society for Human Resource Management) certification and a PHR (Professional in Human Resources) certification. In her spare time, she loves to spend time with her family and baking.
Jaime's Areas of Support
- Academic Affairs
- Enrollment Development and Educational Outreach
- Finance and Administration
Academic Affairs - Padnos College of Engineering
- applied Medical Device Institute (aMDI)
- Engineering Deans Office
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Padnos College of Engineering
- PCE Student Services
Academic Affairs - College of Education and Community Innovation (CECI)
- CECI Office of Certification and Accreditation
- CECIUndergraduate Advising Center
- Center for Educational Partnerships
- College of Education and Community Innovation - Dean's Office
- Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Legal
- Educational Leadership and Counseling
- Literacy and Educational Foundations - Tech
- Public Non-Profit Health and Hospitality Tourism Management
- Social Work
- Teaching and Learning
Academic Affairs - Seidman College of Business
- Economics
- Finance
- Management
- Management - IS
- Marketing
- Regional SB Development Center
- School of Accounting
- Seidman Dean's Office
- Seidman Student Academic Services
- Small Business Development Center
- Van Andel Global Trade Center
Enrollment Development & Educational Outreach
- Admissions Office
- Educational Support Programs/TRiO
- Enrollment Development Office
- Financial Aid Office
- Institutional Analysis
- Records and Registration
- Student Support and Belonging
- Federal TRiO Programs
- TRiO Educational Talent Search
- TRiO McNair
- TRiO Student Support Services STEM - HS
- TRiO Student Support Services Classic
- TRiO Teacher Prep Student Support Services
- TRiO Upward Bound - Grand Rapids
- TRiO Upward Bound - Detroit
- TRiO Upward Bound Math/Science - Detroit
- TRiO Upward Bound Math/Science - Wyoming
- TRiO Veterans Upward Bound
Finance & Administration
- Accounting Office
- Auxiliary Services
- Business and Finance Office
- Conference and Event Planning
- GVSU Laker Store - Allendale
- GVSU Laker Store - GR Campuses
- Meadows Golf Club
- Muskegon Innovation Hub
- Procurement Services
- University Budgets